Start anytime flexible study
4 topics: 40 Study Hours
Salary Range
$22,000 - $90,000
Starting at only $25/wk
1 certificate, Credly approved
What you'll learn
Find out if this course is right for you
Want to get started in animal care and earn a micro-credential straight off the bat? This short course will help you master the art of dog grooming faster than you can say woof (well, maybe not that fast).
Boost your creds
Get taught practical, on-the-job skills from a real-world expert, in just 40 hours. Topics include:
Starting at only $25/wk
Let's break it down
Check out the full list of topics & certificates included in this course.
Majoring in broke-ology?
Hoping to get your Wandr fees covered by the Bank of Mum & Dad (or whoever's bankrolling your education)? Just click the Help Me Pay option at checkout or give them the heads up with our free guide.
Get a taste
Here's a flavour of what you can expect
Why Wandr
When it comes to careers, you don’t know what you don’t know. So we’ve made it our mission to fix that. With thousands of topics packed with fresh, industry-aligned content to explore, we can help you look beyond the obvious and consider jobs you never even knew existed. Even better, you can do it on your own terms, at your own pace.
Earn credit towards future study
Love what you’ve learned so much you wanna do more? Wandr’s library includes ‘accelerated learning pathway courses’ that provide formal credit towards accredited qualifications (like a Certificate III, Diploma and higher education).
Boost your employability
Want to jump straight into the world of work? Our courses are verifiable micro-credentials that will help your CV stand out to employers.
Get taught by the pros
All our content is designed and delivered by real-world experts who really know their stuff. You can even sign up for 1:1 mentorship with our mentorship pass…This pass also includes regular ‘live drop-in sessions with celebrity mentors’.
Learn from anywhere
You get to decide when, where and how you study. All content is delivered 100% online, on-demand and at a pace that works for you. Take us with you on your gap year!
Meet your mentor
Get to know the experts behind Wandr.
Careers in animal health & vet care
Wondering where this course could take you? We’ve pulled together a list of some of the most popular career pathways to give you an idea of where you could end up.
Dog Groomer
Salary: $50,000 - $60,000
Animal Welfare Officer
Salary: $70,000 - $90,000
Animal Attendant
Salary: $54,000 - $70,000
Pet Sitter
Salary: $22,000 - $68,000
* The salary information provided on this website is sourced via several websites including Seek & Payscale and is provided as a guide only
Start your journey
Choose the Wandr plan that suits you.
*Credit towards accredited (formal) qualifications is available on courses as indicated
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