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How Personalities Influence Job Choices & How Career Quizzes Help

by Casey Edwards



When trying to find out which of the many career paths out there is best, you have to consider what kind of personality you have and your strengths. Here, we look at some of the types of people that exist, what jobs they might be suited to and how career quizzes can help you discover where your hidden talents lie.

Have you ever wondered why you've got mates who dream of being a fashionista, whereas all others can think of is being a console game-creating whizz? Well, it's because each of us is singularly unique with our own unique personality, ambitions and traits, meaning that we're all made differently. As such, some career paths are going to be great for you, while others aren't.

What makes you tick as a person plays a huge part in choosing the right career options, and when you make a good decision about your future, you're much more likely to thrive and enjoy your work. Most people would rather they have a job they love doing each day, and that could be you!

The great news is that career quizzes are great for giving you an introspective look at what makes you who you are, and they're most often free to take - like the one on the Wandr homepage! So, if you've got a few minutes spare and you'd like to know more about the part that people's personalities play in the jobs they pursue, stay with us as we shine a light on the topic.

Different Personalities Types & The Industries That Suit Them

Whether you're a people person, an artist, or a born leader, you have a unique set of personal qualities that determine who you are and what you're good at. So, what does that say about the kind of career options that are most suitable to you? Well, let's take a look…

  • The Extroverts

Do you love the spotlight? Are you someone who's naturally boisterous and gregarious? If so, then your sort of personality tends to thrive in roles in which they can lead and inspire others. These kinds of people are also usually great communicators.

Ideal careers: CEO, Politician, Entrepreneur. Find out more about these kinds of roles in Wandr Business & Entrepreneurship courses.

  • The Creatives

Do you see the world differently from those around you? Are you someone who is able to take inspiration from what you see around you to create designs out of seemingly nothing? If so, you're an artist or creator, and it's this imagination that employers value highly.

Ideal career paths: Graphic Designer, Musician, Writer. Any job in which you can express your creativity and innovation would be ideal. Check out our Graphic designer and Game design courses here.

  • The Problem Solvers

If you've always got your nose in a good puzzle book or you're always the first one to figure out how to make a pizza split equally among five of your mates, the likelihood is that you're a problem solver. As such, you love finding solutions to problems others can't.

  • Ideal careers: Mining engineer, IT support, cyber tech. This type of person often excels in career options that require critical thinking and precision. Take a look at our Mining Engineer and Cyber Security & IT courses for more info on what's involved.
  • The Helpers

When career quizzes highlight you as being someone with a caring nature and the kind of person who gets lots of satisfaction from supporting others, you're a helper. These people are always happy to lend a hand or a listening ear, and there are a bunch of career ideas that might suit them.

Ideal careers: Nurse, Counsellor, Teacher, Social Worker. Careers in care and support are their jam. See Wandr counsellingand aged care courses for a closer look.

  • The Organisers

Are you the person in your class that organises parties? Have you got boundless energy and love getting everything sorted? If so, then congratulations, you're an organiser. If this is the result you're receiving from careers quizzes, there are a number of career options to consider.

Ideal careers: Event manager, hotel manager, wedding planner. Organisers do well in roles that require good organisation and planning skills. Check out our courses in hospitality, wedding planning and event management.

  • The Adventurers

There are some of us who have itchy feet and are also up for heading out to pastures new, and they are society's adventurers. There's nothing they love more than being in a dynamic, ever-changing environment and seeing what happens next. There are some great career ideas to consider for this personality type.

Ideal careers: Travel agent, holiday rep, flight attendant. Travel & tourism is the place for this kind of person, as it’s an industry that gives them the variety they crave. Take a look at our travel & tourism and flight attendant courses for more info.

Remember that these are just general ideas. Your perfect career might be a unique mix or something totally different, but the cool part is exploring the possibilities and finding what clicks with you. So, what's your personality type? Take the Wandr careers quiz and find out!

Choose the Best Career Options With Wandr

Leaving school is a pivotal time in anyone's life, but when you understand what kind of person you are, finding the best career paths gets that much easier. The Wandr career quiz is the first part, and our courses are the next logical step, as they give you great insight into roles that exist in your most suitable industries. You get to try them on for size and see what fits!

Want to know exactly what it's like working in aged care, tourism or event management? No problem! We can give you the insight you need with a video-led course library that covers more than 20 different industries, such as:

  • Business & Management
  • Mental Health & Wellness
  • Influencing & branding
  • Criminology & Law
  • FX & Graphic Design
  • Fitness & Nutrition
  • Photography
  • Education
  • Aged Care

The great thing is that this excellent career guidance resource is available at a reasonable cost, and it gives you the knowledge you need to base your decision on fact, not fiction. We've even got 1-to-1 expert mentoring available, further adding to the support we can provide.

Inspirational Career Guidance From Wandr

There's certainly a lot to think about when you're approaching the end of high school, but choosing a career path doesn't have to be a stressful experience. The Wandr learning and discovery platform has been created to give you a relaxed place to make a wise decision based on who you are and what you have a passion for.

Through highly engaging, immersive, video-led career content that you can take at your own pace, you can sample as many career options as you want to without having to commit to any of them. If you'd like to know more about us and what we can do for your professional future, visit us today at www.wandr.au and take a look around. Alternatively, have a chat with our friendly team today by calling 1300 611 404 or emailing support@wandr.au.

by Casey Edwards



When trying to find out which of the many career paths out there is best, you have to consider what kind of personality you have and your strengths. Here, we look at some of the types of people that exist, what jobs they might be suited to and how career quizzes can help you discover where your hidden talents lie.

Industry Mentor



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