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How to Support Your Child's Education and Career Choices in Australia

by Tenzing Tsewang



Is your child about to graduate high school? Are they still undecided about what they're going to do next? Here, we look at the steps you can take as a parent to ensure they make the right education and career choices and how Wandr's discovery & learning platform can help.

Moving from high school to working life represents a pivotal moment for any student. As a parent, you want to help, but the challenge lies in striking the right balance between providing guidance without being too overbearing. You also want to offer support without actually making their choices for them.

The Australian job market is ever-evolving, influenced by elements that simply didn't exist 20 years ago. Technological advancements such as AI and the emergence of remote working have changed the professional landscape beyond all recognition.

However, this has led to a myriad of new opportunities arising. Whether your child is considering university, vocational training, or jumping straight into the workforce, multiple routes can result in success. This article highlights how you can support your child's career choices as they leave secondary education.

The Many Options Available Can Be Confusing For School Leavers

If your child has a clear view of their vocational calling, you're among the lucky few. However, making a career choice post-high school can be confusing and more than a little scary for many. Why?

Well, many paths can be taken, and the weight of the decision can place immense pressure on a person, as they'll be well aware that their future success depends on it. Naturally, parents also feel entangled in this maze of options, but it's not quite as perplexing when you have a clear understanding of the available avenues.

Here's a quick rundown of the diverse options available:

  • University Education: Traditional degrees in fields like science, arts, engineering, and medicine can open doors to specialised roles in an array of fields.
  • Vocational Training: TAFE courses or apprenticeships in trades and services provide hands-on skills that are highly employable. Many tradesmen-related fields are crying out for qualified people, and the roles are well-paid.
  • Taking a Gap Year: Time off to reflect and work on personal development can offer life experience, maturity, and a clearer idea of future goals. That said, planning is essential to ensure time is spent constructively.
  • Online Courses: Specialised courses in digital marketing, cyber security, animal care, community services, etc, can offer practical skills that can be directly applied in the job market.
  • Internships & traineeships: Working in the real world while getting paid offers provides valuable experience and a recognised route into meaningful full-time employment.
  • Freelancing: If your youngster has the entrepreneurial spirit, freelancing can offer flexibility in various fields and the potential to turn a passion into a profession.

Of course, there is no such thing as a path that suits everyone, so supporting your child in deciding between these options calls for research, thought and discussion. You can't dictate the right way, as such. Rather, you need to help them become decision-makers themselves.

Why It's Important Your Child Makes the Right Decision

The importance of this decision can't be understated, as it forms the foundation for their long-term personal and professional development. Also, in Australia, where education and vocational training typically involve a substantial investment of time and money, making the right, informed decision becomes even more critical.

If they were to choose a career misaligned with their abilities and personality,  it could result in years of unhappiness and underachievement. It's not just about losing time either, as a poor choice can exact a mental toll that comes with being in a job that doesn't fit.

Avoiding the Cycle of Job-Hopping

Making the wrong career choice can lead to a cycle of what's known as Job-Hopping, as they continually switch roles in an attempt to find a better fit. While this is not guaranteed to damage their career, employers can view them as unfocused or unreliable.

What's more, those first few years in the workforce are genuinely formative, as this is when they typically build the skill sets and experiences they'll rely on along their career journey. Entering the wrong field can derail their progress, leading to missed opportunities and reduced earning potential.

As such, as parents, it is crucial to guide your children carefully during this transitional phase. The aim should be to match their natural talents and inclinations with the career paths that can nurture and reward those traits for years to come.

Find a Career That Plays to Their Strengths With Wandr Learning

When your child finds a career that engages their mind and plays to their strengths, the sky truly is the limit. They’re much more likely to be motivated, focused and ultimately more successful. A career that resonates with who they are not only fosters professional development but also contributes to their mental well-being, meaning they’ll look forward to work, rather than dreading Monday morning!

Wandr Essentials courses helps parents to guide their children to their ideal career path by allowing them explore each one fully. At a monthly cost that won’t break the Bank of Mum and Dad, they can get a detailed, inside look at a massive range of vocations while getting advice from real-world experts.

Allow Them to Gain Marketable Skills Through 1000s of Video-Based Courses

Often as a parent, you’re as much in the dark as your child is when it comes to many trades, but our industry-aligned courses offers a clear view about what each profession offers. They can explore a range of different fields on for size to see which one suits and avoid wasting time and money on those that aren’t right.

Among the many areas covered by Wandr training, they can explore careers in…

  • Business, Management
  • Mental Health & Wellness
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Graphic & Interior Design
  • Beauty & makeup
  • Game Design & FX
  • Fitness & Nutrition
  • AI, Cyber & Tech
  • Travel & Tourism
  • Photography
  • Fashion

Being able to sample industries like these with our Trial Run, Essentials, Skillin' It, and Career Kickstarter means that they're basing their decision on fact, not fiction. Our courses give you the peace of mind of knowing that whatever they choose - be it to take a gap year, go volunteering, or start vocational training - they make that choice knowing everything they need to.

Wandr - Their Key to a Rewarding & Fulfilling Career

Leaving high school can be scary and confusing, especially in the dynamic professional world that exists today. The Wandr discovery and learning platform allows your child to get up close and personal with a broad spectrum of professions without having to commit years of their time and thousands of dollars to what might be an incorrect decision.

We'll help your youngster find their calling through interactive, video-led career content that covers 1000s of topics. We also provide 1-to-1 career coaching from real-world experts who can give them invaluable guidance and support at this crucial time in their lives.

To learn more about us and the benefits of our platform, visit us today at www.wandr.au, where you'll find everything you need to know. Alternatively, why not chat with our friendly team by calling 1300 611 404 or emailing support@wandr.au today?

by Tenzing Tsewang



Is your child about to graduate high school? Are they still undecided about what they're going to do next? Here, we look at the steps you can take as a parent to ensure they make the right education and career choices and how Wandr's discovery & learning platform can help.

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