2 min read

Influencer Ashleigh Jade Teaches Communication Skills

by Tenzing Tsewang



Do you know which of the many career paths is right for you? Well, whichever you choose, being a good communicator is essential to your progress. Here we get some brief yet insightful advice from a top social media influencer as we find out how Ashleigh Jade teaches communication.

How important do you think good communication skills are in your life? If you answered "very”, then you're correct. In fact, according to recent statistics, around 70% of errors in the working world are based on poor communication - which tells its own story. So, regardless of the career options you choose, it's a skill that you need to master if you want to succeed.

While great communication obviously includes being able to speak clearly to individuals and groups of people, it's about much more than that. It's also about listening, understanding and connecting with others, and not many people can succeed all on their own, so being able to work with your peers, superiors, and subordinates is key.

@itsAshleighJade Teaches Communication

If you're looking for some inspiration with regard to developing this skill, you're in the right place, as today we get some useful career guidance from top Australian social media influencer Ashleigh Jade. In her own words, "Communication is your ticket in today's world. It's not just what you say but how you say it that matters. Learn to express yourself clearly and confidently, and you'll go far."

Ashleigh is someone with many followers on Instagram, more than 1 million subscribers on Facebook, and even more on Tiktok. She started out looking for business opportunities online, and along the way, this dynamic influencer soared to prominence, and now @itsashleighjade teaches communication (amongst other things) to people right around the world.

So, we'll get to her wise words shortly, but let's first take a more in-depth look at exactly how important clear communication is for any young, ambitious Australian professional.

Why Communication Skills Are Important for a Successful Career

Irrespective of the career options you pursue, the ability to communicate clearly is incredibly important, not just in person but also electronically, by email and over the growing number of social media platforms. Here are just a few benefits you’ll enjoy when yours is strong.

You’ll stand out from your competition - being able to stand out from the crowd is essential, particularly in job interviews and networking events. When you communicate clearly, you get noticed more and appear warmer and more welcoming to potential employers.

You'll build stronger relationships - whether talking about colleagues on the same career paths as you, clients or managers, good communication is central to building trust and rapport. It helps in resolving workplace conflicts and ensuring a harmonious, collaborative environment.

It makes you a better leader- another big benefit of being a good communicator is that it lends itself to management. It allows you to empower and motivate others, and when combined with effective delegation, it creates a great foundation for career progression.

When you have a strong ability to relate to others, the world opens up to you. As such, as a piece of career advice, “Improve your communication skills” is certainly wise. So, let's see what Ashleigh has to say on the subject, shall we?

How Ashleigh Jade Teaches Communication

We sat down to find out how Ashleigh Jade teaches communication and she gave us a little insight into her journey and what is has taught her.

"What advice would like to communicate to others looking to set out on their own journey?"

"When I first started in the online space, I would actively seek out opportunities to grow my career. I was the only one of my friends doing so. My friends would share posts mocking me and send messages telling me how embarrassing I was.

I could see the potential that social media could have for me, and at that moment, I had two choices. I could shut down my accounts or rise above those who didn't believe in me. Had I shut down my accounts that day, I would not have had the career I do today”.

“How do you think your communication style has developed since you began?”

“I have much more awareness now, and my communication style is more empathetic to people's situations, and I try to show others that not everything needs an explanation.”

Ashleigh is a living testament to the fact anyone with the will and determination can become a great communicator and realise their dreams. Her advice is something that applies to all the career paths out there, as communication is an entirely transferable skill.

Get Much More Great Career Guidance With the Wandr LMS

It's clear that Ashleigh is someone with a lot of experience and knowledge to impart to her followers and it's fantastic career guidance like this that you can get much more of from the Wandr Learning Management System (LMS). As such, this is just a snippet of the awesome insight you can get for your own professional development with our learning platform.

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Wandr was created to give high-school leavers a stress-free space to find their way and a resource they can use to cut through the noise and identify the career paths that suit their talents. What's more, there's also 1-to-1 mentoring available from experts in their field who will steer you in the right direction and give you even more priceless insight.

We know that deciding what route to take is a vital decision that can be a bit overwhelming. However, the Wandr team is here to make things much easier. To find out more, visit Wandr.au and download our FREE Wandr Guide. Alternatively, if you'd to chat with us, call 1300 611 404, or book a complimentary career call here. Alternatively, email us at support@wandr.au.

by Tenzing Tsewang



Do you know which of the many career paths is right for you? Well, whichever you choose, being a good communicator is essential to your progress. Here we get some brief yet insightful advice from a top social media influencer as we find out how Ashleigh Jade teaches communication.

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