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Not Sure What to Do? Take Our “What Job Suits Me Quiz!”

by Tenzing Tsewang



As you approach the end of high school, it’s understandable that you might be unsure about the direction your career should be taking. If that sounds like you, take our “What job should I have quiz” and while you’re with us, have a look at how the Wandr learning and discovery platform can give you the insight you need to make an informed decision about your future.

Are you feeling a little bit like an animal caught in the headlights as you think about what to do with your career? If so, then you’ll be in need of some career ideas. Fret not, as the Wandr platform is here to steer away from that cliff-edge stress and toward a highway of opportunity.

What exactly does Wandr offer to the future leaders of the Australian working world? Well, imagine a smorgasbord of career options, each one more tantalising than the last - all waiting for you to take a bite and see how it suits you. With our platform, you can dip your toes into a myriad of professions without the fear of getting stuck in the mud.

A Quiz to Assess Your Personality & Talents

However, what this blog is all about is our What Job Suits Me quiz. This career finder tool is a fun way to get a feel for what types of professions suit you and your personality. It involves just a few easy questions, with your answers shining a light on what sort of person you are and the jobs that you’d likely thrive in.

Before we get to that, let’s take a closer look at the fact that if you are having trouble deciding what to do next, you’re certainly not on your own.

It’s Perfectly Normal to Be Confused At This Point

So, you’ve crossed the academic finish line, and the world’s yelling, “What next?!”. Career guidance is something you need - as everyone does - as it can be as hard as picking between your favourite flavours of ice cream! There’s a big commitment involved, too, so you don’t want to stuff it up.

If this sounds like you, then welcome to the club. Most people feel this way when that final school bell rings. Uni, TAFE, apprenticeships, or jumping straight into work? It’s enough to make your head spin!

The Pressure of Expectation

Then there's the pressure cooker of expectations from your folks, and that persistent inner voice telling you to make everyone proud. The thing is, who's ready to plot out their whole life at eighteen? Some of us can't even decide what to have for breakfast!

Plus, let's not forget about the fear of missing out. With mates heading off to exciting new pastures,  choosing one path can feel like you’re stopping yourself having other career options. But here’s the rub, life’s a journey, not a sprint and it’s perfectly normal to feel discombobulated.

Types of People & The Jobs They’re Suited to

Which one are you? Take our What Job Suits Me Quiz and you’ll get the answers you need. There’s a potpourri of personalities bobbing around and the careers they're cut out for are as just as varied. Answering just a few simple questions will hopefully show you exactly what kind of person you are. 

Let’s take a quick gander at some of the possible outcomes.

  • The Chatterbox Charmer

Loves having a good natter and can sell ice to Eskimos! If you’ve got the gift of the gab and an outgoing personality, you could be a sales superstar, a PR executive or someone who makes it big in the events and hospitality arena. Or how about a teacher or holiday tour rep?

  • The Tech Boffin

If you’ve always got your noggin stuck in the latest edition of Gadgets Monthly or you live on your laptop, you could be ideally suited to a job in cyber security, AI or IT. Computers aren’t going anywhere soon, and there’s a wealth of career options to be had.

  • The Creative Master

Always thinking outside the box and handy with a paintbrush? Then, the answer to the question “What career should I do?” could be a graphic designer, special effects master or web designer. Creative skills are in high-demand and it’s not something everyone has an aptitude for.

  • The Zen Gardener

Are you able to keep your head while others lose their? Have you got a knack for making others feel good about themselves? If so, your soothing disposition could give you a range of career ideas like wellness coach, psychologist or counsellor. There are some great roles out there supporting people.

  • The Number Ninja

Got a head for figures and able to calculate your lunch money in a flash? Your affinity with numbers could take you in the world of accountancy, financial advising or bank managing. If career quizzes like ours highlight this aspect of your personality, it could be the path for you!

Obviously, there are more than five different types of people out there, but you get where we’re coming from - who you are matters and your career ideas should reflect that fact. By taking our career testing quiz, you’ll get a good feel for where your talents lie.

Wandr - Giving You the Valuable Career Guidance You Need

If you’re not sure about whether to go uni or go straight into the workforce, our What Job Suits Me quiz is just the start of what we can offer to help. We have a massive range of interesting and insightful online courses that can give you the career guidance you need to formulate a plan.

Rather having to base your decision on a hunch or simply following what your mates are doing, you can get a clear idea of what suits you best without having to commit years of your time to it. Depending on the answers our career quiz gives you, could try out a range of industries on for size, such as:

  • Business, Management & Entrepreneurship
  • Mental Health & Wellness
  • Graphic Design & FX
  • Beauty & Fashion
  • Fitness & Nutrition
  • Travel & Tourism
  • Photography
  • Cyber & Tech

As well as giving you the chance to make your own personal career assessment by dipping your toe into an array of industries to see how it feels, you can also gain marketable skills to help you get ahead of the competition in the working world. Accessible via your phone, and delivered by real-world experts, our learning also comes at a cost that won’t stress your folks.

Clear the Fog & See a Clear Future With Wandr Learning

When you leave high school it can be frightening, especially when you're not sure which way to leap. We understand how important your future is, and with our interactive, video-led career content that covers thousands of topics, you can get up close and personal with a whole heap of professions to try them on for size? Sounds good? Want to find out more?
All you need to do to discover more about Wandr training is visit us today at www.wandr.au. Or why not have a chat with our friendly team? Just call 1300 611 404 or email support@wandr.au? They're ready and waiting to help you see just how easy it is to get a clear view of where your future should look like.

by Tenzing Tsewang



As you approach the end of high school, it’s understandable that you might be unsure about the direction your career should be taking. If that sounds like you, take our “What job should I have quiz” and while you’re with us, have a look at how the Wandr learning and discovery platform can give you the insight you need to make an informed decision about your future.

Fitness and Business Mentor



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