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TAFE Courses & What They Can Do For Your Career

by Heidi Anderson



If you're leaving high school soon and university looks a little bit too daunting, don’t worry, as TAFE courses open up career pathways quicker and easier than you might think. Here we look at what this learning can do for your career, as well as how Wandr uses online courses for teens and other methods to help you decide what profession to pursue.

If you're someone who’s approaching the end of high school, your quest to find the right next step can be tricky. With so many options in front of you, like university or leaving school and finding work, it can make your head spin. However, you may also have seen TAFE courses at careers expo events or online, and it's a learning path that approximately 15% of Australians take.

What does TAFE in Australia mean?

TAFE stands for Technical & Further Education, and it's a comprehensive learning option that combines industry-relevant training with practical hands-on skills. After completion of the relevant level, be it in person at one of the TAFE schools online, you are typically job-ready, meaning that you can start applying for entry-level roles. You see, it's much less theory and much more real-world learning.

What is a TAFE certificate equivalent to?

When taking TAFE Certificates I & II, you're going to be getting foundational and basic knowledge of your trade - essentially giving you what you need to start in your chosen industry. However, as you get more experienced, you might take your Cert III or Cert IV, which is equivalent to 6-12 months of studying for a university degree - so this is high-level learning.

So, what are the benefits of TAFE courses for school-leavers?

TAFE courses offer many advantages when compared to university learning. Of course, a degree will make you more qualified, but it's not the only way to achieve your career goals. Come with us now as we look at just some of the reasons you should do some research on the subject during your downtime or in your school holidays.

Benefit - It's a Quick, Direct Route to Employment

While a university degree takes 3,4, or even 5 years to complete, a TAFE course can be finished in as little as 6 months to a year. That means that it’s a much faster way to get the job you're looking for. Around 85% of students completing TAFE training are employed within 6 months and often go on to earn more than they would if they went to uni. Quite an eye-opener, we think you'll agree!

Benefit - You Get Practical, Hands-On Training

One reason why you're often job-ready after completing TAFE learning is that the courses provide a mix of theoretical and practical training out in the field. This means you not only get your hands dirty but also spend time alongside experienced industry experts. This kind of experience can be hugely valuable to you as you start your career.

Benefit - Access to Industry Contacts

For most, making important industry connections can rely upon the student attending a careers expo or simply being in the right place at the right time - so it's not guaranteed. However, TAFE courses are often taught by those from the industry, meaning they can help you get your foot in the door. Sometimes you just need to meet 1 person to change your career for the better.

Benefit - Its Affordable Compared to Other Routes

With the average student debt in Australia sitting at $22,000, the financial cost of entering further education can leave a bad taste in the mouth. However, although they’re still not free, they tend to be much more affordable - a real advantage during the current cost of living crisis - especially as the government offers a range of scholarships, payment plans and loans, subject to eligibility.

Benefit - You Can Study While Still at School

It's also possible to start your TAFE training while you're still in high school. By starting early and perhaps even studying through the QLD school holidays, you can get a head start and be finished that much sooner. Remember, too, that if you're in Year 12, there are pathways available to you that can help you towards TAFE learning, so be sure to ask your teachers.

Wandr - Helping Young People Find Their Ideal Career Path

It can be tough trying to work out what you want to do when you leave school, and at Wandr, we understand that. It's for this reason that we created our career discovery platform that gives you the insight you need to make better job decisions. As well as online courses for teens, we offer one-to-one mentoring, coaching and more to equip you for the road ahead.

Whatever interests you have, we offer a pressure-free, judgement-free space in which you can try careers on for size and see if they suit you. All this can be done entirely at your own pace, with us supporting you at this crucial stage in your professional development.

To find out more about us and what we offer, visit us today at www.wandr.au where you’ll find lots of useful info. Alternatively, to get in touch, call 1300 611 404 or email support@wandr.au today, and we’ll do our level best to give you what you need.

by Heidi Anderson



If you're leaving high school soon and university looks a little bit too daunting, don’t worry, as TAFE courses open up career pathways quicker and easier than you might think. Here we look at what this learning can do for your career, as well as how Wandr uses online courses for teens and other methods to help you decide what profession to pursue.

If you're someone who’s approaching the end of high school, your quest to find the right next step can be tricky. With so many options in front of you, like university or leaving school and finding work, it can make your head spin. However, you may also have seen TAFE courses at careers expo events or online, and it's a learning path that approximately 15% of Australians take.

Career Coach



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