3 min read

The Rise of Renewable Energy Jobs in Australia And How To Land One

by Tenzing Tsewang



Renewable energy is big business in the 2020s, meaning that it’s a booming industry. Ever wondered what it would be like to work in the sector? Here, we look at the increasing number of jobs available in Australia's renewable energy industry and how to land one.

It can't have escaped your notice that climate change is happening in front of everyone's eyes. Much is being done to fight the problem, with renewable energy solutions representing one of the main weapons to minimise our environmental impact.

Wind farms, solar power, hydroelectric and other renewable power sources now provide Australia with more than 25% of its electricity generation. As such, there has been a seismic shift in our energy landscape as we move away from fossil fuels to more sustainable alternatives - which means significant opportunities are on offer in what is a booming sector.

Considering a Renewable Energy Role?

So, if you're still considering your options as a high school leaver, this translates into an array of career paths you could take. The industry also extends beyond engineering (i.e. manufacturing renewable energy equipment) into areas like project management, data analytics and environmental science.

In this article, we'll be looking at what's involved in navigating Australia's burgeoning renewable energy industry, examining the required qualifications and many roles that exist.

There Are Many Jobs in the Renewable Energy Sector

Energy is something modern-day human society has come to depend on. From the lights illuminating our evenings at home to the power hospitals need, we'd be flung back into the dark ages without it! As such, countless well-paid roles exist in the sector.

  • Solar Panel Installer - As solar energy is increasingly adopted, there's a growing need for skilled technicians to install and maintain solar panels. On average, this hands-on, outdoor role pays $90k per year.
  • Wind Turbine Technician - Specialising in installing, maintaining and repairing wind turbines, here you'll work on the front line of what is a key component of Australia's renewable energy strategy and enjoy an average salary of $113k per year!
  • Energy Analyst - This highly skilled office-based position involves the analysis of energy use patterns to identify areas for improved efficiency and sustainability. Helping companies to save money, you'll earn in the region of $100k annually.
  • Electrical Engineer - Another highly skilled role in which you'll design and develop electrical systems for renewable energy projects. Working to ensure optimal efficiency and safety, this work will earn you an impressive $120k per year.
  • Energy Storage Specialist - Efficient electrical energy use requires it to be stored for consumption at a later date. As an energy storage specialist, you'll develop and maintain these systems, including pumped hydro systems and batteries, while earning a healthy salary of $98k annually.
  • Environmental Planner - Working on the regulatory side of renewable energy, an environmental planner conducts assessments to ensure compliance with laws while assisting in sustainable energy projects. It's a role that carries a lot of responsibility - hence the reason the average salary is around $100k per year.
  • Sales & Marketing - Just a third of Australian households have solar panels installed, meaning there's still a lot of work to do in increasing adoption. That's why sales and marketing professionals are needed to get home and business owners on board to reduce the burden on the electricity grid. The average salary here is $70k per year.

As we can see, there's a diverse range of roles in renewable energy, meaning the sector offers broad appeal. No matter where your talents lie, there's a suitable path for you to take and enjoy a rewarding and fulfilling job while knowing you're doing your bit to protect the environment.

What Qualifications Are Needed to Land a Job in the Renewable Energy Sector in Australia?

So, if what we've shown you here about the sector has piqued your interest, how do you go about landing a role in this booming sector? Well, the qualifications will depend very much on the job your’re targeting, but here are some of the paths to consider.

  • Vocational Education & Training - Vocational Education and Training courses like a Certificate IV in Electrical or a Diploma of Renewable Energy Engineering can give you the skills and knowledge you need. This path is a year or two shorter than a degree, but will still typically involve full-time study at a TAFE campus.
  • University Degrees - For higher-level roles, you’ll usually need something like a Bachelor’s Degree in Renewable Energy Engineering, Environmental science or Mechanical Engineering. A Master’s Degree could be required for deeper expertise.
  • Apprenticeships - Many trades in the renewable sector, such as solar panel installation, begin with an apprenticeship that combines work and study. Along the way, you’ll take Certificated training while earning a wage.
  • Short Courses In-Person/Online - Whether you’re talking about attending community colleges or studying online, short courses give you a chance to get your foot in the door or to see if it’s a field that suits your talents.

Soft skills (interpersonal skills) are also important for a career in the renewable sector, or indeed any field, meaning that aspects like teamwork, communication, and problem solving abilities are often just as important. Whether you're leaning towards a technical, managerial, or analytical role, there are multiple pathways into the renewable energy sector for high school leavers in Australia.

Find a Professional Direction With Wandr Learning

We hope that our blog has highlighted what an interesting and opportunity-rich industry renewable energy is, however, it might not be for you. The good news if you’re still undecided is that the Wandr discovery and learning platform is here to help you find your professional direction.

Our courses allow you to get a close-up look at a wide range of jobs to see if they fit. What’s more, while you’re learning, you get to pick up advice from real-world experts and the opportunity to gain marketable skills so you’re 100% ready for working world.

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Stop Wondering & Start Wandring Your Way to a Great Career!

Leaving school can seem confusing and scary. However, there is another way to find a career direction, and it's so much easier when you can try jobs on for size without committing your entire future to them. The Wandr career discovery and learning platform can help you make sense of all those possibilities to give you a clearer view of what you want to do with your life after high school.

We'll help you find your vocational calling, providing interactive, video-led career content that covers 1000s of topics. We also offer 1-to-1 career coaching from real-world experts that you can hit up whenever you need to so you can get the inside track on exactly what to expect in a variety of different career paths.
To learn more about us and what's on offer, visit us today at www.wandr.au, where you'll find everything you need to know. Alternatively, why not chat with our friendly team by calling 1300 611 404 or emailing support@wandr.au today? They'll do everything we can to set you on your way!

by Tenzing Tsewang



Renewable energy is big business in the 2020s, meaning that it’s a booming industry. Ever wondered what it would be like to work in the sector? Here, we look at the increasing number of jobs available in Australia's renewable energy industry and how to land one.

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