2 min read
Where to Find Scholarships and Grants in Australia for Further Studies
by Tenzing Tsewang
If you're considering going into further study, you need to think about how you're going to finance your journey. In this article, we look at the scholarships and grants available in Australia that allow you to spread your wings while gaining the skills you need.
Are you thinking of going to university, college or VET training after school? If so, there are a bunch of opportunities out there for you to explore. The question is, how are you going to fund your education?
There's no doubt that further study represents an exciting path, but the financial side of things can be daunting. What's more, if the bank of Mum and Dad can't can't quite stretch to it, it can leave you feeling that it might not even be possible. However, the good news is that there are heaps of scholarships out there to help you on your way.
Australia is known for its commitment to supporting young people through their education, and the government, along with various private organisations, offer a number of financial support options that help you realise your professional aspirations.
So, come with us as we examine what's available to students to allow you to take that important next step forward after leaving high school.
Further Study Loans & Grants
In this section, we look at grants and loans that provide funds to meet a range of different aspects of your ongoing learning. There's a variety on offer.
Student/HELP/HECS Loans
Perhaps the most well-known is the Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) or HECS loan, which is best known as a student loan. Designed to cover tuition fees, these loans only need to be paid back once you're working and earning more than $51,550 (according to 2023 guidelines).
This is a popular option for people going to university, but it doesn't cover textbooks, accommodation and food. As such, you might seek also to apply for financial aid or maintenance loans.
Youth Allowance
Another option to consider is the government's Youth Allowance. It’s available for anyone who falls into the following categories. If you're between…
- 16-17 years of age and need to live away from home to study.
- 16-17 years of age, studying full-time, and have completed year 12.
- 16-21 years of age and looking for full-time work.
- 18-24 years of age and studying full-time.
- 16-24 years of age and doing a full-time apprenticeship.
Eligibility is assessed using a variety of factors, such as your income and how much your parents make and can give you some essential funds that allow you to study.
Tertiary Access Payment (TAP)
If you live in a remote or regional area of Australia, then you may also be able to help with the cost of moving to a different region to study. The Tertiary Access Payment (TAP) is a one-off payment of up to $5,000, and you can get it if you're beginning tertiary (further) study in the year after finishing year 12 or equivalent.
When talking about ‘regional areas’, it means places that aren't in or close to a major city. Naturally, this is only available in your first year of study.
Industry-Specific Grants
Another option comes in the form of the VET Student Loans program for vocational training. Aimed at encouraging students from rural and regional areas into higher education, there are various industry-specific grants on offer. Many industries in Australia have a shortfall of qualified people, and each one will have its own eligibility criteria.
Whether you wish to be a plumber, electrician, fitness instructor or work in a wide range of professions that approve the program, you could get the funding you need for training. The great part is they don’t have to be paid back.
Scholarships for High School Leavers in Australia
Now we look at another option for getting your further education paid for - scholarships. Essentially, a scholarship is a grant or payment given to students to help cover the cost of education and living expenses. Again, they don't need to be paid back.
Here are some of the options available in this sphere.
- Academic/Merit-Based Scholarships
Awarded to students for exceptional performance in college or school, an academic or merit-based scholarship recognises hard work, high grades and excellence. However, it’s not tied to financial need and is based primarily on potential and achievement.
Helping to reduce the financial burden of further education by covering part or all of your tuition fees, it offers access to quality learning opportunities.
- Equity Scholarships
Primarily aimed at students who face personal or financial challenges, equity scholarships exist to level the playing field and promote equal opportunities and inclusivity. As such, you may qualify for an equity scholarship if you are:
- A low-income student with limited financial means
- A student living in rural or regional areas where opportunities are limited
- A student with disabilities
- An indigenous student
Equity scholarships serve to make things fairer, ensuring that all deserving students get the opportunity to achieve their educational goals, irrespective of their circumstances. Indigenous scholarships (specifically for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders) and Regional Scholarships also help disadvantaged students get the support they need.
- Industry Scholarships
Offered widely in the STEM, healthcare and trade fields, industry scholarships are there to help young Australians prepare for careers in high-demand sectors. Whether talking about engineering, agriculture or construction, you can get your training paid for, which can lead to rewarding, highly-paid careers.
Each university, institution and trade body will have its own set of rules and criteria. Whatever your plans are with regard to your future, you need to do your research and put the necessary hard work into any scholarship applications you make. To find out more about possible opportunities, check out the JASON.L Scholarship Database online.
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by Tenzing Tsewang
If you're considering going into further study, you need to think about how you're going to finance your journey. In this article, we look at the scholarships and grants available in Australia that allow you to spread your wings while gaining the skills you need.
Fitness and Business Mentor
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