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Worried About Your Child’s Future? Don’t Stress, Wandr’s Here!

by Tenzing Tsewang



Is your child coming to the end of high school? Is their indecision about which career path to take worrying you? In this article, we look at how you can support their progress and provide them with new career ideas and valuable career guidance from the Wandr learning & discovery platform.

As a parent, you probably remember how hard it was to understand how to choose a career. And as high school graduation looms for your youngster, it's natural for Mums and Dads to ponder what their child's future holds. The big question that rears its head in this situation is how can you ensure your teen is prepared for the ever-evolving demands of the professional world?

So, if you’re worried about which of the many career options your child might end up in, fret not, as at Wandr, our innovative learning platform offers the insight they need to decide correctly.

Instead of having to base this crucial decision on what they ‘think’ is the right career or simply follow the lead of their schoolmates and potentially end up in an unsuitable line of work, they can try careers out, without committing years and thousands of dollars to it. Also offering mentoring support from real-world experts from each industry, that elusive career certainty can be theirs.

The Challenges of Finding The Right Career Options

Coming up with career ideas might sound simple enough, but that’s easy to say when you already have a clear understanding of who you are and where your talents lie. Could you say that you had that kind of clarity when you were 18? Many don’t. That’s because there are a number of obstacles that stand in the way of knowing how to choose a career that you’ll thrive in.

Some of the challenges school leavers today face include:

  • Information Overload - It’s great having the internet and the wealth of insight it provides available, but there’s so much information that it can be as confusing as it is helpful. Answering the question “What career can I do?” is also hindered by the need to discern credible information from the rest, which isn’t always easy. That’s why Wandr is such a valuable resource, as it’s packed with info you can trust.
  • Educational Choices - In addition to trying to formulate career ideas, school leavers also have an array of further educational options to consider, so it’s not as simple as either leaving education or going to work. Uni, TAFE, apprenticeships, traineeships and more need to be considered.
  • Financial Considerations - Another point of contention is the economic aspect of the decision they make. While uni may open up better opportunities and wider career options, it necessitates the need for student loans - something that can follow them around for years. It makes the decision of which path to take a tricky one.
  • Societal Expectations -  You also can’t forget the aspect of pressure that can come from multiple directions in what’s expected from them. Societal norms, parental influence and peer pressure can all contribute to pushing someone away from an area they may feel drawn to or towards one that’s not right.
  • Personal Development - Making a personal career assessment can be a difficult task for anyone, however, many adolescents are still developing personally and may not yet have the maturity to decide their life’s direction. It still has to be made, which is why parental support is so important.

As we can see, there’s much to muddy the waters when kids are trying to decide what the rest of their lives hold. It’s a decision that has big ramifications on their future - further adding to the pressure.

The Impact Of Choosing the Wrong Career Options

Of course, it’s important to not be overbearing as a parent, but you still need to give this decision the focus it deserves. When the wrong choice is made, it can significantly disadvantage anyone in their career path. Here’s just a few reasons to focus on getting it right.

Time Investment - When an unsuitable career or training course is chosen, it can result in years of lost time and most industries these days are moving fast. Apprenticeships, uni degrees and even selecting the wrong job can majorly delay someone’s progress in the professional world.

Financial Cost - Something you’re likely already aware of as a parent is the cost of tertiary education. Getting the wrong career guidance can result in thousands of dollars in training wasted, and that’s before you consider the additional cost of retraining in a more suitable field.

Mental Wellbeing/Self Esteem - When someone enters an ill-fitting career, they’re not as likely to achieve as much, leading to dissatisfaction, lower self-esteem and an overriding sense of failure. This can be a real knock to anyone’s motivation.

When your child asks you “What career should I do?”, you have an awesome responsibility to steer them in the right direction. As such, you should stress that they have the freedom to explore their interests before committing themselves one way or the other.

Remember, the goal here is not just immediate career placement but long-term fulfilment and growth.

It's about helping your child find a path where their passion and the working world intersects, leading to a rewarding and sustainable career. That’s where Wandr comes in.

Wandr - Providing Clarity in a Confusing Professional World

For a manageable monthly cost, Wandr offers a wealth of accurate career guidance at a pace that suits them and their needs. Our Trial Run, Career Kickstarter, Skillin' It! and Essentials courses have been designed to let high school leavers dip their toe into a range of industries so they can get a true feel for what to expect - without the need to commit years to it.

This gives them a relaxed, stress-free place to assess their career options and make an informed decision about which direction to take. Amongst the many sectors covered are:

  • Business, Management & Entrepreneurship
  • Mental Health & Wellness
  • Graphic Design & FX
  • Fitness & Nutrition
  • Cyber & Tech
  • Travel & Tourism
  • Photography
  • Beauty & Fashion

These self-paced, video-based courses are delivered in an engaging way that offers real insight into what the reality of each sector represents. Accessible via any internet-connected device, they get complete control of their future aspirations.

If you’d like to know more about anything discussed here, you can download our free parental guide that shows everything you need to know. Alternatively, why not get your youngster to take the What Jobs Suits Me quiz available on the same page? It’s a real eye-opener!

Give Your Teen Career Guidance With a Difference

Leaving high school can be a daunting time for anyone, particularly when there’s uncertainty about the right career path to take. So, why not consider the Wandr discovery and learning platform? Via highly-engaging interactive video content, backed by 1-to-1 expert careering coaching, you can support your child’s career journey in the best way possible.

To find out more about Wandr training, visit us today at www.wandr.au. Alternatively, schedule a consultation with a career coordinator today to help shape your child’s future by calling 1300 611 404 or clicking on this link. A few taps of a screen might be all that stands between them and professional success.

by Tenzing Tsewang



Is your child coming to the end of high school? Is their indecision about which career path to take worrying you? In this article, we look at how you can support their progress and provide them with new career ideas and valuable career guidance from the Wandr learning & discovery platform.

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